Flaxcore, Rapport & Hemcore information
If the stable is clean and empty, put down sufficient Hemcore to provide the depth of bed you require (8 - 10 bales for a 12'x12' stable) and spread evenly over the floor, banking up sides if required.
Once all the bedding is down, sprinkle 5 litres (1 gallon) of water for every bale used. Leave to settle to allow the water time to activate the bed (at least a few hours).
If a stable has an existing bed of shavings or chopped straw (or similar) there is no need to remove this completely before starting a Hemcore bed. Just muck out as normal, but gradually move existing bed towards the centre and add Hemcore round the sides over a period of time. (There is no need to add water using this method).
From then on, disturb the bed as little as possible, removing droppings regularly and wet patches occasionally. Top up as required. (There is no need to add further water after the initial watering).
Because less Hemcore is used, there will be less bedding removed from the stable, making a smaller muck heap which will rot down more quickly than shavings. It then makes a useful compost or mulch for the garden.
Is so diverse, there are lots of different ways to use the material, the two most common methods are below:
If the stable is clean and empty, put down sufficient Flaxcore to provide the depth of bed you require (8 - 10 bales for a 12'x12' stable) and spread evenly over the floor, banking up sides if required.
If a stable has an existing bed of shavings, hemp, rape (or similar) there is no need to remove this completely before starting a Flaxcore bed. Just muck out as normal, but gradually move existing bed towards the centre and add Flaxcore round the sides over a period of time. (There is no need to add water using this method).
From then on, disturb the bed as little as possible, removing droppings regularly and wet patches occasionally. Top up as required.
Because less Flaxcore is used, there will be less bedding removed from the stable, making a smaller muck heap which will rot down more quickly than shavings. It then makes a useful compost or mulch for the garden
If the stable is clean, empty and fitted with rubber mats, you may prefer to lay only a small amount of Flaxcore on top of the mats.
From then on remove daily any wet bedding and droppings replacing a dusting of Flaxcore as and when needed.
If the stable is clean and empty, put down sufficient Hemcore to provide the depth of bed you require (8 - 10 bales for a 12'x12' stable) and spread evenly over the floor, banking up sides if required.
If a stable has an existing bed of shavings or hemp (or similar) there is no need to remove this completely before starting a Rapport bed. Just muck out as normal, but gradually move existing bed towards the centre and add Rapport round the sides over a period of time. (There is no need to add water using this method).
From then on, disturb the bed as little as possible, removing droppings regularly and wet patches occasionally. Top up as required.
Because less Rapport is used, there will be less bedding removed from the stable, making a smaller muck heap which will rot down more quickly than shavings. It then makes a useful compost or mulch for the garden.
Please note: Hemcore, Rapport & Flaxcore are unpalatable to virtually all horses, but if the bedding is seen to be eaten, sprinkle it with a weak solution of a safe disinfectant to discourage the habit and when adding new bedding mix it in with the old. As with other bedding materials, persistent bed eating can cause colic, gastro-intestinal disorders or an allergic reaction. In these cases please consult a vet.
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